Days of Graffiti,

Well It’s been a long time! lots has changed but I’m going to try and make a huge effort to get my ass out of the garage and get to events again as this one reminded me of how much I enjoyed hangin’ out with people, laughing, fucking around, and having good company!

This trip was a bit spontaneous as they usually are but one that is a constant reminder of what it’s all about. The first time Karl ( Japhands Kustoms ) built his truck and got it road worthy it was right before a show called ” Graffiti days ” in Cache Creek B.C it’s about 3.5-4 hours north of where we’re from and it’s pretty much as close to the desert you can get being in the great north haha. It’s so memorable as everyone comes from everywhere to this small town in the middle of nowhere to share a common love for old cars, burnouts and fun! They close the local airport for the day and turn it into a drag strip and then in town at 7 ish they have a government funded burnout pad where you just sign up and burn your tires off! it’s an absolute hoot! hahah! unfortunately I didn’t get any photos as I was having to much fun watching but eh, it’s a reminder for next time to be like ” oh yeah snap some photos of smoke ” hahah

Hopefully this is a push for me taking more photos again and getting back into the groove and i should really start doing weekly lifestyle updates but eh! ill figure my shit out one day!

whipsaw in a day’

Is the Whipsaw trail a good day trip ?

A few weeks ago Josh sent me a messaging saying Cassidy had sent him a message asking if he wanted to do Whipsaw in a week and only for a day trip, and we were kind of hesitant as the last time we did it we did it in 3 days, mind you we were camping haha, but none the less it took us 3 days. So I said fuck it lets go! what’s the worst that could happen, Josh was just scared he’d have the most “incapable truck” yet he’s fully locked on 37’s hahahah

The following Friday I went to Josh’s slept on the couch and at 5:15am we were out the door off to the races! We met up with Cassidy and a few others at the local store and 3 hours later we were on the trailhead to start our adventure!

So is Whipsaw a good day trip ? I would say Absolutely Yes! although it is a longer day it is completely doable in a day while not being so rushed or missing any obstacles. Unfortunately the bugs were absolutely HORRIBLE so we didn’t get to hang out or have a bbq like originally planned as, as soon as we opened up the door and got out of the vehicle we had a legit 3 minutes to do whatever we got to do before the mosquitos sensed our smells and started to ATTACK. I still have mosquito bites on my body hahahahha, I would say it takes about 6 hours to do the trail which we didn’t rush but also didn’t have lunch so give yourself 8 and if nothing major breaks that’ll give you the time necessary to do the trail! there are some pretty decent obstacles but everything has a bypass which is pretty cool about the trail!

I’d say Its a good trip and everyone who 4×4’s should experience it one day as theirs lots of lakes, good views and wilderness to absorb!